Sunday, 18 April 2010

What is the Importance of the Student Union?

When I first thought of writing this article, I decided to talk in it about all the accomplishments of the Student Union since I have ever heard about which was four years ago in my freshman year. Then it struck me that it is not its accomplishments that make it the most important and powerful organization on campus in fact its importance exists in the essence of how it works.

The Student Union started in around 1985, while before it was a student council. Both the Student Union and Student Council started for one reason which was to represent the students in front of the administration and try to provide them with some services they needed. Along the years this idea progressed, it developed and formed a Student Union which had a formal structure, an executive plan and sufficient HR to implement that plan.

Representing, Serving, Entertaining, Developing and connecting the Students is what the SU aims at doing right now. Representing the Students, in my point of view, is however the most important, it can make a Student Union or Break it. When students suffer a certain problem on campus whether with the different AUC services or with different administration offices there must be an entity responsible to help them find a solution for their problems and having a community of more than 5000 students makes it impossible to have them all solve their own problems. So here intervenes the SU, there is a whole committee inside the SU only responsible for representing the Students, advocating their rights and finding solutions to their daily academic and administrative problems. Which is the Reason the Student union exists from the first place.
Some people when they start observing the Student Union, they do not see except the concerts and the events. Even though this is not a negative but it is not the reason why the Student Union is here it is one of the aspects where the Student Union fulfills its role. The student union is not an agency that is present to organize parties, to form conferences and to publish newspapers only it is here to do all the previous but for a cause which is the Students.

According to the student constitution, the Student union is the highest executive body on campus and its mission is to represent, serve, connect and entertain and for all that to happen it needs perseverance, vision and belief.

This is what the Student Union is all about….

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