Monday, 26 April 2010

The End.

I woke up today, sad to have to come to university but knowing that this is one of my last 8:30 classes in AUC. The semester is ending in a couple of weeks, my 4 year journey is ending in a couple of weeks and to me now my life is literally ending.

When I come to think of the past four years and how they impacted my life, changed it, in other words reformulated it, I come to discover that university years are not the ending however they are the beginning.

Even though I sound quite optimistic about it right now, this is not what I really feel inside. I am actually freaking out from the fact of graduation, having to leave my university, the people I got used to knowing and seeing everyday is what freaks me out. The fact that I will have more responsibilities on top of my shoulders, more committment and more expectations from people freaks me out.

Graduation is a big deal, getting into "real" life is a big deal and that is assuming that what we are going through is not real. It is considered real to a certain extent yet post graduation to me at least in considered the reality real, as in there is no way back, as in you have to continue, not looking back untill you reach the end of this very long, hectic, tiring, disturbing race.


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